This is Sally Whitelock and Benita Cervantes with announcements for the week of April 19 for the Edison Eagles…
Thank you for your continued support during this difficult time. We would like to continue to encourage everyone to stay healthy and do your part to get our community more healthy – wear masks, socially distance, wash your hands, keep your social groups very small. We all need to work together to keep our students in school in person as long as possible. THANK YOU!
Earth Day
April 22 is Earth day. During the school day, Edison students will have an opportunity to walk around the Edison neighborhood cleaning up our small part of our Earth.
Edison Spirit Friday
Friday, April 23 – Recycled Accessory Day – Create a hat or other clothing item from recycled items and wear it to school today to celebrate Earth Day. Two students, with the best recycled clothing items, will receive a prize from our PTA!
CSC Nominations needed
The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is a great opportunity for parents to further participate in the education of our children by supporting decision making at the school. The CSC is a collaborative committee of school leadership, teachers, parents and classified staff who meet monthly to strategically design the school’s Unified Improvement Plan, analyze school data, provide guidance on and approve the school budget and staffing allocations, and advise the school leadership on school design decisions. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month from 4:30-5:30 at Edison and are open to all community members. We have two additional openings for CSC parents representatives for the 2021-22 school year. If you are interested in serving on the CSC, please complete a nomination form no later than April 16 at:
PTA Board Member nominations
Are you looking to get more involved with your child’s school? Join the PTA Board!!!
2021/2022 Board Members needed:
* Secretary: take notes for meetings, help with social media posts, communicate with class parents.
* Vice President: help the president with a variety of projects, especially fundraising and planning Edfest.
If you are interested, please email Tara Littell, PTA president at
Discovery Link Information
Discovery Link Registration for the 2021-22 school year will open April 12 at 6:00 a.m. At this time, you will only select the site where your child(ren) will attend next year.
* Once approved, you will be given access to the calendar, and you will select days for August starting on July 1st.
* Families who were enrolled in the school year 2020-2021 do need to register for the school year 2021-2022, even if your site is unchanged. This will give you access to the new school year’s calendars.
School Year Programming
* Morning programming (AM) begins at 6:30 a.m., at $8.75 per day.
* Afterschool programming (PM) ends at 6:00 p.m at $13.25 per day.
Registration Fee
* $35 for one student
* $50 max per family
* Inquire about financial assistance by emailing
When registration opens, please access the following links.
* Families new to Discovery Link,
* If you’ve already enrolled in Discovery Link,
* For further information about the registration process,
Also, Summer Camp 2021 registration is now open.
2021-22 Online registration
Save time during fall registration by updating your student’s information online! By completing this process using your Parent Portal account, you can avoid paper forms and save time at the school during the fall return. There are two windows during which current students can register online for 2021-22:
* The “Early Bird” window, April 26-May 21
* Current year, July 26-August 14
To register online, primary legal guardians of current DPS students must have an active DPS Parent Portal account. Visit to sign up, or to check that your account is active and ready.
For more information on how to complete online registration, contact the front office or visit
2021-22 School year start/end time changes
As you prepare for the 2021-22 school year, please be aware that our start and end times will be changing. Please plan on the following:
* Breakfast: 8:00-8:30 AM
* Supervision on the playground in AM: 8:25-8:35
* School start time: 8:35
* School end time: 3:25
Free COVID testing for DPS students
DPS is expanding their partnership with COVID Check Colorado to offer free COVID-19 testing to students to support a safe return to school. Students will now be able to take an initial COVID-19 test before coming back to school as well as ongoing screening tests every other week. To register, please go to:
Testing sites:
Please email or with any questions or concerns.