Weekly Announcements for the Summer

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles,

This is Sally Whitelock and Benita Cervantes with announcements for the SUMMER  for the Edison Eagles…

THANK YOU parents and Edison community for your support and partnership this year. We greatly appreciate you! We hope you have a wonderful summer. See you in August.

Report Cards

Report cards are now complete and available for you to see (and print if you want) on Parent Portal. We are not sending paper copies home this year.

Mark your calendars 

August 12 In-person registration at Edison from 9:00-3:00

August 18 Kindergarten assessment day (sign up online)

August 19 Back to School Night at 5:00 PM – watch for communication on this

August 23 First day of school for ECE and 1st-5th grades

August 23 Coffee and Kleenex For ECE parents 8:35 – 9:00 AM on the playground

August 24 First day of school for kindergarten (No school for kindergarten on Aug 23)

August 24 Coffee and Kleenex for kindergarten parents 8:35 – 9:00 AM on the playground

September 24 Eagle Run

Order your School Supplies for next year now!

Get your school supplies now! Right now 2nd Grade is winning the race (21 packs ordered) with kindergarten and 3rd Grade picking up the pace (17 packs ordered)! There is a big DISCOUNT when ordering in bulk through the school, plus the school gets a donation!!  WIN WIN!!  We have compared the prices from the school and from Target…and there is big savings going through the school! 


Edison Code:EDI023

A message from Ms. Cervantes

Lovely Edison Community,

I have news!  I am excited to announce that I have accepted the position of principal at Columbian Elementary.  My time at Edison has been grand beyond all hopes and dreams.  Thank you for welcoming me, supporting me and allowing me to serve you.   I have had an absolute blast getting to know you, supporting your students and watching them grow.  

What a year we have had!  Wowza.  You and your students have shown great perseverance and grace under extreme conditions.  It was miraculous to watch.  My hope for all of you is to enjoy your summer and to take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished this year.  

Thank you so very much.  I will forever be changed for the better by having been an Edison Eagle.

Mil Gracias,

Benita Cervantes

Literacy and Library successes this year

Thank you to all the Edison families and students who supported literacy at Edison this year! 

 We held our first ever all-digital Read-A-Thon, and didn’t know what to expect.  Our Edison Eagles read through winter break with 190 students logging over 162,000 minutes! That’s over 2,700 hours over those 10 days. Way to go students! Parents and grownups, you did your part too, raising over $7,500 towards classroom libraries and the school library.

During the Scholastic Book Fair, we were able to distribute 72 Read-A-Thon prizes, plus we acknowledged our grade-level top readers. We missed giving shout outs to the top readers at the annual February Family Dance, looking forward to doing that again next year.

Speaking of the Scholastic Book Fair, we sold over $9500 worth of books.  The school will receive $4700 in Scholastic Dollars to use to buy books for classroom libraries and the school library.  Thank you to all who stopped in to purchase books. It was so great to see kids in person throughout the week! Look for two Scholastic Book Fairs and the Usborne Book Fair next year.

Thank you for supporting the PTA with donations throughout the year. The PTA directly funds RiF (Reading is Fundamental), which provides Edison Eagles with a book of their choosing. 

 And big news! Our library is getting a major refresh from a DPS bond.  The library will get fresh paint, new carpet, a new circulation desk, and some other cool stuff.  We are all looking forward to seeing kids back in the library to check out books and have technology classes. 

 Keep reading, Eagles! If you need books this summer, check out Sora! (DPS online library)   https://lion.dpsk12.org/230/#1594145024307-4b0bc13d-bdf8aef2-aa12f9c2-99dc

THANKS!!! —  Mr. Carter (and Ms. D)

2021-22 Discovery Link Information

Discovery Link Registration for the 2021-22 school year opened April 12. At this time, you will only select the site where your child(ren) will attend next year.
* Once approved, you will be given access to the calendar, and you will select days for August starting on July 1st. 
* Families who were enrolled in the school year 2020-2021 do need to register for the school year 2021-2022, even if your site is unchanged. This will give you access to the new school year’s calendars. 
* For additional information regarding Discovery Link, please go to: https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/

Registration links.
* Families new to Discovery Link, https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/school-year-program/#new 
* If you’ve already enrolled in Discovery Link, https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/school-year-program/#current 
* For further information about the registration process, https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/school-year-program/ 

Also, Summer Camp 2021 registration is now open. 
– https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/summer-camp/

2021-22 Online registration

If you have not already completed the online registration for the 2021-22 school year, please plan to do this July 26-August 14.

To register online, primary legal guardians of current DPS students must have an active DPS Parent Portal account. Visit myportal.dpsk12.org to sign up, or to check that your account is active and ready. Once you are in the parent portal:
– Click More tab
– Click See All Apps (under Misc Pages Column)
– Click Online Registration (bottom box in left hand column)
– Then you’ve arrived at Infinite Campus application, where you have to select More
– Then you select Online registration (this will then automatically prompt you to begin the online registration process)
– For more information on how to complete online registration, contact the front office or visit schoolchoice.dpsk12.org.

2021-22 School year start/end time changes:

As you prepare for the 2021-22 school year, please be aware that our start and end times will be changing. Please plan on the following:
* Breakfast: 8:00-8:30 AM
* Supervision on the playground in AM: 8:25-8:35
* School start time: 8:35
* School end time: 3:25

Please email Sally_Whitelock@dpsk12.org or Benita_Cervantes@dpsk12.org with any questions or concerns.