Volunteers Needed for Book Fair This Week!

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

I need volunteers ASAP. I really need help to pull this off. Can you all imagine me alone with 100 kids buying stuff at lunch time? No you can’t and that is why you want to help right?

Biggest needs at this point are:

12/16: Set up (3:30-4:30) – need 4

12/17: lunch time sales need 3

12/18: lunch time sales need 3

12/19: Literacy Night – need 3

12/19: Take down need 3-4 happens right after literacy fair ends

Please, pretty please, sign up for a shift if you can. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BAAAC22A3FC1-december

Thank you,

Karin Ahern