Parking and Crossing Concerns

3:30 PM at Edison is a very busy place with 560 students leaving the school to go home. During this time, we have buses and many vehicles parking on the streets surrounding the school. Over the last few weeks, we have had several neighbors and some parents complain about safety and illegal parking. PLEASE HELP US!

  • Please refrain from parking in no parking zones, especially in a cross walk, the bus parking or handicapped parking.
  • Please practice and teach your students safe street crossing practices. Cross the street on the cross walk.
  • Please do NOT double park or stop in the street to pick up or drop off students.

I met with Denver Police Department today. They are asking for community support with this problem. They would appreciate support from the Edison community in helping increase the safety around the school at 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM. They communicated to me that they will give citations if needed, but would prefer if we could all be a little more aware.

Also, we would love parent volunteers who would be willing to be crossing guards from 8:30-8:45 AM and again from 3:30-3:45 PM. If you are interested, please contact Sally Whitelock at

Thank you!