Parent Leaders needed at Edison!

We have such a wonderful parent community at Edison! I greatly appreciate the support of our PTA leadership and parent volunteers at community events, with fundraising and in our classrooms. Our children and community benefit every time a parent volunteers for our school!

We are currently in need of three IMPORTANT parent volunteer leaders. If you would like to greatly impact the decision making at Edison, please nominate yourself (or a friend) for:

  • PTA president (co-presidents are also welcome)
  • CSC member (2 parents needed)

The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is a great opportunity for parents to further participate in the education of our children by supporting decision making at the school. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month from 4:30-5:30 at Edison. If you are interested in becoming a member or nominating a member, please email the following information to Mrs. Whitelock at — Name, email address, why you would like to be a CSC member, information about yourself for our community (short bio).

The PTA president helps organize all the community events and fundraising for the school. There are many parents and teachers who assist the president, however, we need a fun-loving parent to lead our cause! Please contact Jenn Wolf or Sally Whitelock if you are interested.

Thank you for your support and participation at Edison!

Sally Whitelock, Principal