Edison Weekly Announcements for 2/11/22

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles,

This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the February 11th weekly announcements  for the Edison Eagles. 

Mark your calendars 

January 14- February 12   DPS School Choice window for 2022-23 school year

February 14  Happy Valentines day

February 17  Parent-Teacher & Student-ed conferences from 4:00–8:00 PM – virtual

February 21  No school – Presidents day

February 22  No school for students – Professional Development day for teachers

February 25  Edison Spirit Day – “Love yourself, Love your heart” day 

March 2  Read across America day

March 3  CSC meeting – virtual at 4:30 PM – Link: meet.google.com/whp-spfu-yvv

March 3 PTA meeting – virtual at 6:00 PM – Link: meet.google.com/axi-uavx-ujx 

March 4  Lifetouch picture day for ECE, K, 5th grade continuations

Character Trait of the Week

The character trait for this week is motivated. Definition – interested or enthusiastic about doing something. You can  reinforce this character trait at home by saying to your children “Follow your own path.” and asking them “What are you interested or enthusiastic about? How can you pursue this?”

Conferences- Virtual

Please join us for Student-led Conferences on February 17 between 4:00-8:00 PM. Teachers will be contacting parents of students who need support academically, socially or with work habits to set up individual (virtual) conferences with teachers. If parents wish to have an individual conference, please contact your child’s teacher to set it up. Students who do not need individual conferences will lead student-led-conferences with their parents at home to share what they are learning in school and their personal goals. Please watch for communication from teachers regarding how this will occur. Thank you for partnering with us!

Passions Day – Community assistance needed!

Passions Day will be on Friday, March 25th during the school day. Passions Day is an annual event where we invite family and community members to come present their passion to our students. Our theme will be  “Pursuing passions help us connect people with respect and compassion”. This year we will be offering an in-person option, as well as a pre-recorded video option. Typically students rotate to different rooms throughout the day (as a class) and listen to various presenters. Examples in the past have been: beekeepers, nurse, kombucha brewer, yoga instructors, etc. 

If you, your relatives, or your friends are interested in either presenting in person at Edison OR creating a 10-15 minute video presentation for our students for Passions Day, please sign up at: https://forms.gle/oWhBUTRvyPNECVpv5

After you sign up, you will receive additional information from Mrs. Dougherty regarding details.

*NEW* Health and Safety Updates

Throughout the pandemic, DPS has worked closely with our state and local health partners, including DDPHE and Denver Health. Our COVID-19 plan and procedures continue to be guided by their medical and public health expertise. On Feb. 9, the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment announced that the public health order requiring masks in schools will expire at the end of the day on Friday, Feb. 25. Masks are still required in all indoor school settings through that date. The decision by DDPHE means that, beginning with the school day on Monday, Feb. 28, masks will no longer be required but will be strongly recommended for all students, staff, and visitors across DPS. Our health partners made this decision based on high rates of immunity and lower rates of severe disease.

DPS schools are no longer sending general COVID-19 notification letters to families when there is a COVID-19 case in your child’s classroom or at their school. Instead, families can check the DPS COVID-19 Dashboard to see the latest updates with cases that are reported to us. You will still be notified if your child needs to quarantine after an in-school exposure. 

As we move into the next phase of this pandemic, please monitor your students for illness symptoms and keep them home if they are sick. We also know that getting vaccinated is the best way to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Please visit www.vaccines.gov to search for the vaccine provider closest to you or consider accessing no-cost health care services offered from our School Based Health Centers (Denver Health Pediatrics at Denver Public Schools) by calling 303-602-8958. When you get your children vaccinated for COVID, please provide documentation to Edison’s school nurse for our record (Jill_Gardiner@dpsk12.org). 

Kids Heart Challenge

Our school has officially started Kids Heart Challenge with the American Heart Association and we need your help! Over the next few weeks students will be learning about their heart and raising awareness and funds for the American Heart Association. Our school’s goal is to raise $7000 in donations and for every student to complete Finn’s Mission.


Download the APP- KIDS HEART CHALLENGE or visit www.heart.org/KidsHeartChallenge to sign up!
Complete FINN’S MISSION – this will be your road map!

School Choice Information

School Choice is for any student who wants or needs to attend a new school for the following school year, particularly “transitioning” students, typically incoming kinder, sixth and ninth-grade students. All incoming preschool students, as well as incoming students who reside in an enrollment zone, must complete an application. The school choice window is: January 14 to February 12.

Current students in kdg-4th grade do not need to submit an application if you want to return to Edison.

Volunteering at Edison
We love having volunteers at Edison. If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning on field trips or supporting the PTA, please complete a DPS volunteer application at the following link:
Edison Code: e9x8to9

Support Edison’s PTA

King Soopers Rewards – Register Edison PTA as your Community Rewards partner for King Soopers! How do I enroll? 
1) Go to www.kingsoopers.com 
2) Sign-in to you digital account (or create one if needed); 
3) Select ‘Community Rewards’ from the side menu; 
4) Enter “Edison Elementary PTA” into the ‘Find an Organization’ search box; 5) Find ‘Edison Elementary PTA’ with address 3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212 and select ‘Enroll’; 
6) You’re all done!

Direct Ask fundraiser – You can contribute directly to Edison’s PTA fundraising efforts through any of these convenient methods:
* Venmo ID: @EdisonElementaryPTA
* Online at the PTA or Edison websites: https://edisonptadenver.org or  https://edison.dpsk12.org
* Snail Mail or Drop Off:   Edison Elementary   Attn: PTA Fundraising   3350 Quitman Street   Denver, CO 80212