Edison Weekly Announcements – 3/7/25

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles,

This is Sally Whitelock and Samantha Aragon with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison!

March Edison Newsletter:

Mark your calendars
March 10 3rd grade field trip Ballarat (1 class)
March 10 First day of School Enrichments/Spring Session
March 11 Lifetouch class + individual pictures
March 12 4th grade performance in Edison’s auditorium at 9:30
March 14 2nd trimester awards for students in classrooms
March 17 5th grade field trip to Ameritowne
March 20 Night at the Edison Museum – 3:45-5:00 PM
March 21 Passions Day at Edison
March 24-28 Spring Break – no school
March 31 No School – Cesar Chavez Day

DPS 2025-26 School year calendar can be found at: https://www.dpsk12.org/page/calendars
** Please note that the first day of school for ECE & Kindergarten will be August 19.
** Edison will have 3 additional non-contact days (TBD).

2025-26 CMAS Information
We are approaching the state testing season where our 3rd-5th grade students will take CMAS. Please see this newsletter for additional details.

ECE Discovery Link Update for 2025-26 – NOW HIRING!
We are continuing to work toward providing our before and after school Discovery Link program. Our next step is to get a teacher hired! If you know of anyone interested in in our part-time Discovery Link Early Childhood Teacher position, please apply at DPSK12.NET job code 68988

ECE Family Interest Survey
We are reaching out to families with ECE-aged (Early Childhood Education) children to gather feedback regarding the potential addition of a tuition ECE offering to the Discovery Link program at Edison, for the 2025-2026 school year. If you have a child who will turn 4 years old before October 1st, 2025, and are interested in before- and after-school programming, we kindly ask that you complete the survey below. Please submit your responses by February 28th, 2025. https://forms.gle/rCysHUDW16LbN9GR9

Discovery Link Store
Please come support the Edison Discovery Link annual store! Money raised will pay for the Discovery Linkr end of the year field trip. Menu coming soon. The Discovery Link store opens on February 7th!
* When: Fridays, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
* Location: Outside of the lunchroom if weather permits if not we will be in the lunchroom.
* Ends: May 16th
Payments: Cash and Venmo only

Night at the Edison Museum – Mark your calendars
Please join us on March 20 at 3:45-5:00 PM for ‘Night at the Edison Museum’ which is Edison’s community celebration of our multicultural community. During this fun, community celebration…
Family members and students will browse through our student perspectives, culture and identity museum which will be displayed throughout the hallways and classrooms of the school.
Family members and students will be encouraged to stroll through the student art show in the auditorium.
Students will be performing dances that represent cultures of our society outside in the amphitheater (in the gym if the weather is bad).
Families will be invited to participate in our ‘Cultures of our World Food Tasting’ in the lunchroom. If you would like to participate, please bring a food item that is important to your family, a family tradition or your culture to share with others. Please bring food in small serving sizes. In order for everyone to participate, we will ask people to limit their tastings to 3-4 items.
* Sign up to bring food at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4FACA929A7FE3-54993733-night#/

*** From Edison’s PTA ***
Join the PTA Board for the 2025-2026 School Year!
We’re actively recruiting for the PTA Board for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year! We’re looking for passionate individuals to fill key positions. If you have a buddy and want to team up, we welcome that too—except for Co-Treasurer, as you’ll already have a partner in that role! The board for next school year will be voted on in April, so don’t miss your chance to get involved and help shape the future of our school community. Please email ptaedisondenver@gmail.com with any questions, nominations, or interest.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 3rd from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM at Number 38.
* This year’s event will be Derby-themed, so come ready to enjoy the fun, excitement, and style of the races!
* Tickets are now on Early Bird Sale through March 23rd, so be sure to grab yours soon at a discounted price!
* To purchase your tickets, visit: https://edfest.givesmart.com
* Early Bird Ticket Sale: Purchase your tickets now at the discounted rate through March 23rd!
* Equity Tickets: We also have discount codes for equity tickets available for families in need. If you would like to access these tickets, please reach out to Ms. Whitelock or Ms. Aragon for the code.
* Thank you for your support of EdFest, and we look forward to celebrating with you on May 3rd! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Volunteers Opportunities
* Night at the Edison Museum food sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4FACA929A7FE3-54993733-night#/
* Field Day (Friday, May 16th): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4FACA929A7FE3-54027400-field#/
* Edison 100 year Celebration (October 3, 2025): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4FACA929A7FE3-54691414-edisons
* Looking for Volunteers for the Eagle Run Committee (September 26, 2025) https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D4FACA929A7FE3-54471232-eagle

Community Information
** For students **
North HS Chess Tournament – March 22 – More information here – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tPKO9Y72V0Ksq4zG5Y_lERVo6M_Df6T93ofOgR6eJk0/edit?tab=t.0

Scheitler Recreation Center Soccer Camp – March 24-28 for students age 5-10. Sign up here: https://challengersports.com/camp-search/?categories%5B0%5D=39

DPS Summer Academy – Open to all rising 1st-5th graders. DPS is offering a summer half day option for FREE (full day is $5/day). Dates: June 9 – July 3. Breakfast and lunch included. Families can sign up at www.dpsk12.org/page/summer-connections

– Discovery Link Summer Camp Programs: Discovery Link offers engaging summer camps for students ages 5–12* at locations across Denver. Registration Information: Registration for Summer Camp opens Jan. 22, 2025 on our new family registration and calendar platform or at https://elcs.dpsk12.org/o/equity/page/discovery-link-before-and-after-school-program

City of Edgewater – Check out Fall Sports Camps – go to www.PlayEdgewater.com

** For caregivers**
DPS Family and Community Engagement (FACE) – Please find resources that may be helpful here: https://face.dpsk12.org/o/communityengagement/page/community-resources

DPS Community Hubs – Family resources – For more information go to: https://face.dpsk12.org/page/community-hubs/

Way to Go Schoolpool Registration – Join Edison’s Schoolpool program to connect with other families to carpool, walk or bike to school together. Looking for help getting your student to and from school or want to find them a buddy to commute to school with? We are pleased to partner with Schoolpool, a free program to make it easier to get to school. Signing up is simple! 1. Go to https://mywaytogo.org/#/ and create an account and enter your address or intersection. 2. Add comments to indicate interest. 3. Find and contact interested families. Privacy and security: Edison and Schoolpool do not run background checks, confirm valid driver’s licenses, or assess insurance coverage on participants. Potential users are advised to screen participants to their personal satisfaction and check their own insurance coverage for carpooling to ensure that they are covered under these voluntary arrangements. Schoolpool does not provide drivers, vehicles, or insurance.

** School Information **
The Edison school day is 8:30-3:30 (Breakfast – 8:00-8:25, No supervision on the playground before school)

Attendance Line: 720-424-7784 (Please call and leave a message w/ student name, teacher name, reason for absence) or log absence on Parent Portal through myportal.dpsk12.org

School lunch menus can be found at: https://www.dpsk12.org/o/foodservices/page/lunch-menus
Scroll down below the picture and choose your language under Elementary School

Discovery Link information: https://elcs.dpsk12.org/page/discovery-link-before-and-after-school-program

DPS 2025-26 school calendar: https://www.dpsk12.org/page/calendars

Edison website: https://edison.dpsk12.org/

Volunteer Application: If you wish to volunteer for Edison this school year, you must complete the volunteer application (Edison Code: e9x8to9). https://app.sterlingvolunteers.com/en/Candidates/Account/Register