Hello all in the Land of the Eagles,
This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison!
PLEASE assist us with parking and transportation issues at Edison:
* Do NOT park in or drive through the parking lot at Edison to drop off or pick up students. The parking lot is for staff and those in need of wheelchair accessibility only.
* Be very careful driving in the Edison neighborhood. Watch for pedestrians as we have many community members who walk to and from the school.
* If you use the kiss & go/greet & get lane, please drive forward as vehicles leave to keep the traffic moving.
February Edison Newsletter:
Mark your calendars
February 27 4th grade field trip to History Colorado
February 29 5th grade walk to Woodbury Library
March 1 Read Across America Day – Bring your favorite book and wear PJs today
March 1 Lifetouch picture day for continuation pictures – ECE, kindergarten and 5th grade only
March 7 CSC meeting Virtual at 4:30 – meet.google.com/bci-eqah-dwo
March 7 PTA meeting Virtual at 6:00 – meet.google.com/miv-jtok-pqj
March 8 2nd Trimester Awards during the school day
March 12 Fundraiser Night Out at BriDer Rotisserie Kitchen at 1644 Platte Street, from 3-8.
Please say you are there for the Edison fundraiser if you go in person or add “Fundraiser” to your cart if you order online – 25% of proceeds will come back to Edison.
March 12 Family of Community Engagement Social Media Safety for Families Workshop
Discovery Link Store
Visit the Discovery Link Store after school on Thursdays and Fridays from 3:30-4:30 to buy popcorn, slushies, cotton candy, and other treats! Money raised supports the annual end of year field trip.
DPS Summer Connections
Summer Connections registration will start Friday, February 16, at noon through the Parent Portal. Space is limited. For more information go to bit.ly/3UsCi2n. Summer Connections is a free, five-week academic program that is open to all rising first through fifth-grade DPS students. This full-day program focuses on preparing elementary students for future success. Registration will open Friday, Feb. 16 at noon and close Friday, April 26.
Help our teachers help our community!
Edison has the opportunity for our school and community to support the Migrant Student and Families of Denver. As most of us are aware, our city is currently welcoming an influx of migrant families, which is impacting our schools. Our core values as educators insist that we welcome our new neighbors with compassion, love, and solidarity, and a vital part of that is ensuring they have what they need to be successful in our community. Some of our schools have been overwhelmed and under supported by our existing system, and as we seek to pull down the resources needed from the city, state, and federal levels, we will do all we can to ensure all students have the supplies, housing, and schools they deserve. We are asking for a few specific donated items by Friday, March 1st:
* Kids winter hats and gloves
* Kids new socks and underwear
* Adult winter boots, hats, and gloves
* Gift cards to King Soopers or Safeway in any amount
EdFest Planning
Edison’s PTA is beginning to plan for EdFest. EdFest is Edison’s largest fundraising event of the year which provides financial resources for Edison PTAs general budget which pays for items like: transportation for field trips, enrichment scholarships, free after school tutoring for target students, t-shirts for all ECE and kindergarten students, enrichment day and so much more. If you are interested in helping plan this wonderful event, please sign up here: https://linktr.ee/edisonelementary
* Mark your calendars for EdFest – May 18 at Hops and Pie!
CMAS Opt Out
3rd-5th grade caregivers, if you are planning to opt your student out of CMAS, Parent Portal Opt Outs are available now, through February. Please reach out to Megan Bohanan with any questions (mendriz@dpsk12.net)
Community Information
For students:
* *NEW* Challenger Sports – Spring Break soccer camp at Scheitler Recreation Center, March 26th – 29th. Register at https://challengersports.com/camp-search/?categories%5B0%5D=39&utm_source=RD%20PDF&utm_medium=Button&utm_campaign=Fall%202023 * Lighthouse Writers’ Workshop Summer Camps- These camps are ideal for 3rd to 5th-grade kids who are interested in writing, but they are perfect for any child who wants to explore their creativity. Please visit: https://lighthousewriters.org/youth/young-writers-summer-camp
* Sweet Ridge Summer Camps – Summer 2024 Art Camps are open for registration! To see all of our offerings, please visit: https://www.sweetridgestudios.com/summer-art-camps
* Edgewater Parks and Recreation is offering low-cost youth programs. Click on Toddler Programs and/or Youth Sports & Programs. Under those sections you will choose Kid Play Time and register your child. http://playedgewater.com/
For caregivers:
* *NEW* FACE Social Media Safety for Families Workshop on March 12 from 5-6 p.m. This session will provide resources and tips for families on the dangers of social media and how to help students stay safe and smart online. Families will gain valuable information and collaborate with other families on technology safety solutions. RSVP here.
* DPS Community Hubs – English and GED Classes are available through the NW Community Hub starting in September. Please sign up now for these no-cost classes offered online and in person. Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflo9U17llarj_nnsKC1Fp7ao9a-S84k833ZUGSiVpU2Y5Q_Q/viewform
* DPS Substance Use Prevention Program Announces Fall Webinars – The DPS Substance Use Prevention (SUP) Program will continue to host a monthly webinar on the first Wednesday of every month at noon. Learn more about the webinars listed above and register here.
Support Edison:
Some families are in a position to support their child’s learning at home, others can support through volunteering time, and some through financial donation. To give a sense of scope, if each Edison family were to donate $500 per student per year, Edison could fund all of our fundraising initiatives.
Edison’s next fundraising event:
* EdFest: Edison’s yearly adult-only fundraiser, auction, and party raises money for the PTA General Fund to pay for online educational subscriptions, enrichment day, field trip transportation, Edison t-shirts for new students, community events, after school tutoring, enrichment scholarships and much more!
Additional ways to give money to Edison’s PTA:
* Direct Ask Campaign: You may always make a one-time or set up a regular donation through PayPal, Venmo, Square, or a check. Check to see if your employer provides matching of qualified contributions made; Edison’s PTA is a qualified 501c3 organization! Monies raised through the Direct Ask Campaign are the easiest and most direct ways to support student learning for all learners.
– Online at the Edison PTA website: https://www.edisonptadenver.org/donate
– Snail Mail or Drop Off: Edison Elementary, Attn: PTA Fundraising, 3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212
* King Soopers Rewards: Register Edison PTA as your Community Rewards partner for King Soopers! How do I enroll?
– Go to www.kingsoopers.com
– Sign-in to your digital account (or create one if needed)
– Select ‘Community Rewards’ from the side menu
– Enter ‘Edison Elementary PTA’ into the ‘Find an Organization’ search box
– Find ‘Edison Elementary PTA’ with address 3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212 and select ‘Enroll’
* Amazon Smile: You can get the benefits of Amazon Prime AND be a fundraiser at the same time! Amazon Smile provides a .05% benefit on qualifying purchases made via our link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7150820
* Donors Choose: Check out the many Donors Choose projects that teachers have posted on Donorschoose.org and donate. You can find all current projects through the link on Edison’s home page at https://edison.dpsk12.org/
* Mabel’s Labels: Custom waterproof labels for water bottles, clothes, ANYTHING! Edison received 20% back on ALL purchases. Use the link below and type in Edison Elementary, Denver and the labels ship directly to you! https://mabelslabels.com/en_US/fundraising/support/
We appreciate your continued support!
School Information:
The Edison school day is 8:30-3:25 (Supervision on playground from 8:25-8:30)
Attendance Line: 720-424-7784 (Please call and leave a message w/ student name, teacher name, reason for absence) or log absence on Parent Portal through myportal.dpsk12.org
School lunch menus can be found at: https://www.schoolcafe.com/menus
Click on Monthly at the top, then Select School (Edison), Meal Type (Breakfast or Lunch) and then “Traditional Breakfast” or “Traditional Lunch”
Edison website: https://edison.dpsk12.org/
Volunteer Application: If you wish to volunteer for Edison this school year, you must complete the volunteer application (Edison Code: e9x8to9). https://app.sterlingvolunteers.com/en/Candidates/Account/Register