It’ll be a fun day for them, but in order to have a successful event, please remember:
* Send your children to school on Friday, Sept. 22 in their Edison T-shirt (this isn’t required, but it’s strongly encouraged) let them know the day is all about having fun. They will also need a water bottle, athletic shoes, and comfortable clothing. Sunscreen is also strongly suggested!
* Come to Edison when your child is running to cheer them on! Please see the schedule below to see when each grade will be on the field. Cheering is encouraged, however we ask that no parents run alongside their child.
* Continue to raise funds by getting pledges — if every Edison student were to raise $36, we would meet our fundraising goal! The top three students to raise the most pledges win an Apple iPod! Pledge sheets are not due until October 6.
* And if you can, please volunteer to help us make the Eagle Run a roaring success. Your child will appreciate you helping out, and you’re almost guaranteed to meet some fun, interesting people. Jobs are listed on the online signup form and include counting laps as well as handing our award certificates and popsicles.
Schedule for the day
Laps are 1/8-mile long, and we are using the grass field on the south side of the school for the run. Students will run with their classmates during their specials class. Parents are invited to join us to cheer on their Edison Eagle!
2nd annual Eagle Run on Friday, Sept. 22:
8:55am – 5th grade
9:35am – 4th grade
10:25am – ECE
11:05am – 3rd grade
1:25pm – 1st grade
2:05pm – Kindergarten
2:40pm – 2nd grade