Edison Celebrates 125th Anniversary!

This year marks the 125th anniversary of Edison Elementary! Opened in 1890 and named after American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, Edison School, as it was originally known, has become a beloved fixture in the community. The original building consisted of four rooms and a basement, housing students in grades Kindergarten through 8th. In 1900, a five room wing was added onto the building and, in 1902, another expansion was allowed. By 1920, Edison School was overcrowded and was granted a new building, which stands today. The final addition was added to the northeast corner of Edison in 1949. Currently, Edison has 560 students, from ECE through 5th grade, and is the Northwest Denver magnet school for gifted and talented students.

In honor of Edison’s 125th Anniversary, the Edison PTA will be hosting an Open House on Thursday,
March 10th from 6-8 pm. This event is FREE and is open to everyone in the community. As part of the celebration, there will be school tours given by Edison alumni, a photo booth, slideshow, displays of Edison memorabilia from throughout the school’s history,
and refreshments. A refurbished plaque of Thomas Edison will be unveiled and brand new spirit wear and merchandise will be available for purchase.

Additionally, there will be a costume contest – all attendees, young and old, are
invited to dress in their choice of costume from any era in Edison’s history (1890-present). The
classroom with the most participants will win a root beer float party!

To make this event truly successful, the Edison PTA is reaching out to the community and would love to hear stories or memories from Edison alumni, former and current staff members, and others in the area that have been a part of Edison’s long and rich history. Additionally, they would appreciate the loan of any Edison memorabilia (pennants, school t-shirts, yearbooks, etc.) which would be displayed at the event. To share your stories, photos, or items please contact PTA President, Alex Cisney, at ptaedisondenver@gmail.com or PTA Secretary, Michelle Kettleborough, at edisonptasecretary@gmail.com.

We also need help from people in the community and from within the school to help make this event happen. Please sign up for a volunteer spot at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4baaac22a3fc1-edisons We can use all the help we can get as we expect a great turnout for this milestone event!

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this celebration. It is a chance to truly walk through
history and to experience the education, amusements, and stories that have been born within Edison’s
