Edison Announcements for March 4, 2022

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles,

This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the March 4 weekly announcements  for the Edison Eagles. 

Mark your calendars 

March 11  2nd semester report cards will go home

March 11  No ECE students – PD day for ECE teachers

March 17  Lifetouch student & class pictures – 

See individual picture flier at: Individual Pictures 
See class picture flier at: Class Pictures 
March 17  ECE Performance “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” at 10:25 – Edison auditorium

March 18  1st grade Performance “Then and Now” at 1:25 – Edison auditorium

March 24  5th grade field trip to Young Ameritowne

March 25 Passions Day at Edison during the school day

March 28-April 1 Spring Break – No school

Character Trait of the Week

The character trait for this week is appreciative. Definition – feeling and/or showing gratitude. You can  reinforce this character trait at home by starting a dinner time routine in which everyone celebrates and shares a feeling of gratitude for the day..

Passions Day – Community assistance needed!

Passions Day will be on Friday, March 25th during the school day. Passions Day is an annual event where we invite family and community members to come present their passion to our students. Our theme will be  “Pursuing passions help us connect people with respect and compassion”. This year we will be offering an in-person option, as well as a pre-recorded video option. Typically students rotate to different rooms throughout the day (as a class) and listen to various presenters. Examples in the past have been: beekeepers, nurses, kombucha brewer, yoga instructors, etc. 

If you, your relatives, or your friends are interested in either presenting in person at Edison OR creating a 10-15 minute video presentation for our students for Passions Day, please sign up at: https://forms.gle/oWhBUTRvyPNECVpv5

After you sign up, you will receive additional information from Mrs. Dougherty regarding details.

*NEW* Attendance reminder

The School District has set an attendance expectation of 95% for elementary school students.  It is typical for students to miss about six days of school over the course of the entire school year. When students are not in school, they can fall behind in their learning.  Missing school can create gaps in learning.   We know that attendance in elementary school is one of the biggest predictors for success in middle and high school. Therefore, in order to proactively partner with parents, when students are absent 7 days or more, parents will receive an email from their child’s teacher communicating that we are concerned about attendance and offering support. When students are absent more than 12 days of school, parents will receive an email from school leadership communicating concerns, offering support and explaining the district and state truancy laws. 

Please know that the Edison team is here to support all of our families, however, we also depend on parents to get their children to school on-time and consistently in order for students to have optimal educational success. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to partner with you to support your child’s success and attendance. 

Volunteering at Edison

We love having volunteers at Edison. If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning on field trips or supporting the PTA, please complete a DPS volunteer application at the following link:  


Edison Code: e9x8to9

Safe Drop off and Pick up

As you all know, we have A LOT of students dropped off and picked up at Edison from 8:15-8:30 and 3:30-3:45 daily. Therefore, there are a lot of cars and the streets can become unsafe at this time. In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, please help us by:
* Dropping off students on the Edison side of the street;
* Crossing the street only at the cross walks (not in the middle of the street);
* Using the Kiss & Go/Greet & Get lane to drop off/pick up students – Do NOT park in this area;
* Not parking, dropping off or picking up students in the staff parking lot;
* Driving very carefully;
* Please know that there is supervision on the playground from 3:20-3:25 daily. Teachers should be wearing yellow vests so that they are identifiable.

Crossing Guard Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering before or after school to be a crossing guard to help keep students safe as they come to and leave school, please email us at: Sally_Whitelock@dpsk12.org or Megan_Bohanan@dpsk12.org 

Support Edison’s PTA

King Soopers Rewards – Register Edison PTA as your Community Rewards partner for King Soopers! How do I enroll? 
1) Go to www.kingsoopers.com 
2) Sign-in to you digital account (or create one if needed); 
3) Select ‘Community Rewards’ from the side menu; 
4) Enter “Edison Elementary PTA” into the ‘Find an Organization’ search box; 5) Find ‘Edison Elementary PTA’ with address 3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212 and select ‘Enroll’; 
6) You’re all done!

Direct Ask fundraiser – You can contribute directly to Edison’s PTA fundraising efforts through any of these convenient methods:
* Venmo ID: @EdisonElementaryPTA
* Online at the PTA or Edison websites: https://edisonptadenver.org or  https://edison.dpsk12.org
* Snail Mail or Drop Off:   Edison Elementary   Attn: PTA Fundraising   3350 Quitman Street   Denver, CO 80212