PTA Membership
PTA Membership runs from October 1st – Sept 30th. All Edison community members are welcome to attend any meeting and give input as a guest. Payment of dues allows you to vote on spending, policies, events, etc. Annual dues for 2015-16 are $6.25 for staff, $10.00 for individuals, or $15.00 for household (2 members in the same residence). Dues can be paid at meetings, in the office or by contacting You may also pay dues online at this link:
For help with joining the Edison Family Forum, subscribing to the RSS Feed, following us on Facebook, or to submit information for distribution via the school blog, newsletter or Thursday Folders please email For questions about the Parent/Student Portal, please contact the office.
PTA Officers:
President: Jessica Maddy-Key
Vice Presidents: Chris Campbell and Lynda Lastowka
Secretary: Katie Malarkey
Treasurer: Ben Latham
Fundraising Chair: Open Position
Thursday Folders
All families will receive information in a weekly Thursday Folder (Friday for kindergarten). These will include classroom- and/or grade-specific info, community flyers, school event flyers, a monthly newsletter, and classroom completed work and assignments. The monthly newsletter will include a letter from the Principal, a list of upcoming events and PTA information, including meetings and volunteer and/or fundraising opportunities.
Edison Website
The Edison website is designed as a central hub for all current and historic communications. Staff email addresses, blog posts, Google and DPS calendars, supply lists, meeting agendas and minutes are some of the things you can find on this website. Sync the school calendar to your smartphone and get a leg up on events!
Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook we will have links to blog posts as well as PTA, school, and community updates.
Edison Family Forum
We have a family forum to promote dialog, ask questions and share info that may be of interest to our school. This helps us build a stronger and more cohesive community. The Edison Family Forum is hosted on and has a general forum for the whole school with subgroups for each grade level. Please request an invitation from the site and if you have a Hotmail or MSN address and are having issues, please email the PTA Secretary.
All forum posts and comments will be reviewed before posting.
PTA New & Needs List
Each year, the PTA generates a volunteer email list. Anyone interested in volunteering must fill out a volunteer application in the office to be eligible for volunteer opportunities.
To receive a newsletter filled with school/PTA event info and current volunteer or supply needs, please sign up below. You will receive 1-2 emails a month on average with current needs. You do not need to be a PTA Member to be on this list!
Subscribe to the News and Needs mailing list