Clean Up Day, 9am, Sept 28

Did you know that Edison’s Green Team persuaded Denver Public Schools officials to stop using 2.4-D (a pesticide that causes childhood leukemia, asthma & other health issues) on ALL school district properties. Edison is one of only three schools selected to participate in a pilot project, which started in 2012, to explore more organic options for lawn care.

For now, you may notice a few extra weeds popping up on our school grounds. To help our staff stay on top of it during this key transition time, the Green Team invites Edison families and friends to share their gardening skills and elbow grease on Saturday, September 28th.

When: Saturday, September 28th (all day, starting at 9am)
What: Landscape clean up (weeding, trimming, clearing, etc.)
Where: Edison School Yard and Garden
Who: Edison families and students
Why: Keep Edison GREEN & tidy without using nasty pesticides. And we will have ice cream for all of our helpers

We are fortunate to have the help and support of Green Apple Day of Service partners for this landscape clean-up effort. Please join us for a few hours, so we can make Edison the greenest school in DPS.

If you need more information, please contact Sara Nepomuceno, 303-596-1795 or

See you Saturday!