Edison Extra – Sign up for Second Semester!

The on-line registration for Edison Extra Enrichment, before and after school classes and clubs, is now open for the second semester of this school year. Please go to the website at http://edisonextraenrichment.weebly.com/spring-2015-enrichment-classes.html to see what classes and clubs are being offered. We are excited to offer so many wonderful enrichment opportunities to our children. We […]

Congratulations…Stock Show Art Winners!

Congratulations to Edison students – Maggie and Margo! Both girls were named as “Honorable Mention” winners in the Stock Show Art Contest. There were 361 entries this year! Of the 361 entries, approximately 75 winners were selected. Both girls received award certificates and 2 tickets each to the Stock Show. Their art will be displaed […]

PJ Day Tomorrow, November 20, to benefit the Penny Harvest

TOMORROW, 11/20 is PJ day! Please remind students that they can donate $1 (or more) to our Penny Harvest and wear their PJ’s for the day. This FRIDAY is the LAST day to collect money for this year’s Penny Harvest! We can’t wait to see all of your cozy PJ’s tomorrow!

Science Fair

Edison will be hosting our annual Edison Science Fair Friday, November 21! We hope that, with your enthusiastic encouragement, your student will participate in the fair by preparing a project. This will be an exciting experience for your child! All students wishing to participate must sign up through the Edison Extra Enrichment website. Download the […]

Get to know Skinner Middle School

Skinner Middle School has planned some information nights for prospective students and their famililes. Please plan to attend one of these events if you would like to know more about our fantastic neighborhood middle school. 5th Grade Families – Get to know Skinner at these upcoming events: • Thursday, November 13, 6 – 7:30 pm […]