Edison Announcements – 10/28/22

This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison! November Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13Ggb50GQ6a5F-xD0MOL82o1_rUMRkkT4fxB1glfCwlY/edit?usp=sharing Mark your calendars  October 28  Fall Festival after school on Edison’s grounds – 3:30-5:30 November 2 Blackjack Pizza for school lunch- cafeteria November 3  Picture makeup day […]

Edison Weekly Announcements – 10/21/22

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles, This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison! October Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vq1ekTO714LT8eyhVol3uHCkMhqzcitbkJ4jfW8Caeo/edit?usp=sharing Mark your calendars  October 25 1st Grade Field trip to the Performing Arts Complex October 25  Mix it up […]

Edison Weekly Announcements for 10/13/22

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles, This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison! October Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vq1ekTO714LT8eyhVol3uHCkMhqzcitbkJ4jfW8Caeo/edit?usp=sharing Mark your calendars  October 14 No school for students October 17 No school for students October 19  Unity Day!  […]

Edison Weekly Announcements – 10/7/22

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles, This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison! October Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vq1ekTO714LT8eyhVol3uHCkMhqzcitbkJ4jfW8Caeo/edit?usp=sharing Mark your calendars October 12 3rd/4th Grade Guardian (& student) Gathering at Hops and Pie 4:30- 6:30 p.m. October […]

Edison Weekly Announcements – 9/30/22

Hello all in the Land of the Eagles, This is Sally Whitelock and Megan Bohanan with the weekly announcements for the Edison Eagles. Please check your email every Friday for updates from Edison! October Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vq1ekTO714LT8eyhVol3uHCkMhqzcitbkJ4jfW8Caeo/edit?usp=sharing Mark your calendars  October 2  Custodian Appreciation Day – A special Shout Out to Ms. Lisa and Mr. Henry for […]