Edison update – 8/26/2020

Dear Edison community, I hope this email finds everyone safe and healthy. Though this school year has started very differently than any before, it is my hope that all of Edison’s students have had a good beginning of the year, are enjoying seeing their friends and teachers, and are excited for a new year of […]

Beginning of School Year information 8-15-2020

We hope this message finds everyone safe, healthy and excited for the new school year to begin. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we were adjusting and finalizing class lists/teacher assignments for this school year. • Parents can now access the 2020-21 teacher assignments for this school year on Parent Portal. • Parents should […]

Edison update – 8-12-2020

I hope this message finds everyone safe, healthy and enjoying their summer. The new school year is fast approaching, and though it will be very different from any previous start to the school year, I hope that children are getting excited for the new learning experiences. Thank you to all the families who have completed […]

Discovery Link Care for Fall 2020

Discovery Link will be offering child care to include remote learning support for school-based DPS staff August 17 – October 16, from 8:00AM to noon. If spots at our sites remain after school-based staff register, DPS families may begin registering today 8/10/20. Please Note:​ There will be a second registration window opening on 8/24 at […]

Edison return to school update (7/30/2020)

Dear Edison Community, I hope this message finds everyone safe, healthy and enjoying their summer. As a school leader, I am finding that I need to get really comfortable with being flexible and open to change, as our world is in a very unpredictable place. As you are aware, decisions continue to be updated and […]