Hello all in the Land of Eagles,
This is Lea Barone, Sally Whitelock and Benita Cervantes with the announcements for the week of September 23.
ECE Field Trip
on Tuesday, September 24 to the Museum of Nature and science.
Eagle Run
The Eagle Run is Edison’s will take place during school on Friday, September 27.
Children should wear Edison T-shirt and bring a water bottle, athletic shoes, comfortable clothing, and sunscreen.
Continue to raise funds by getting pledges—if every Edison student were to raise $63, we would meet our fundraising goal! The top student to raise the most pledges win a Gift Card to Dick’s Sporting Goods AND two randomly selected winners who have raised at least $10! Pledge sheets are not due until October 11th.
Volunteer to help us make our annual Eagle Run a success!Volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4baaac22a3fc1-eagle2
Run will be on the field on the South side of the school for the 1/8 mile lap. Students will run with their classmates during their specials class.Parents are invited to join us to cheer on their Edison Eagle!
ECE: 10:20
Kindergarten: 2:05
1st grade: 1:25
2nd grade: 2:45
3rd grade: 11:00
4th grade: 9:30
5th gade: 8:50
King Soopers Rewards
Register Edison PTA as your Community Rewards partner for King Soopers!
How do I enroll? 1) Go to www.kingsoopers.comS 2) Sign-in to you digital account (or create one if needed); 3) Select ‘ Community Rewards’ from the side menu; 4) Enter “Edison Elementary PTA” into the ‘Find an Organization’ search box; 5) Find ‘Edison Elementary PTA’ with address 3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212 and select ‘Enroll’; 6) You’re all done!
Help the Edison PTA FUNDRAISE!!!
The Edison PTA has kicked-off the annual fundraising campaign for 2019-2020. YOU can help support the teachers, students, and our entire Edison community. We are asking all families to strive for a minimum per student contribution of $300. We know every family is different, but we hope you’ll consider a donation as generous as possible. Our goal is 100% family participation. You can make a one-time donation or split into recurring monthly donations. AND Edison PTA is a 501(c)(3) so ask your employer about an Employer Match!
Look for the campaign detail letter with all the information in the weekly folders
and on all communication paths. To contribute, you can give through any of
these convenient methods:
these convenient methods:
Venmo ID: @EdisonElementaryPTA
Online at the PTA or Edison websites: https://edisonptadenver.org or https://edison.dpsk12.org
Snail Mail or Drop Off: Edison Elementary, Attn: PTA Fundraising, 3350 Quitman Street, Denver, CO 80212
Thank you for being a valued part of the Edison Community!