Announcements for the Week of Jan. 13

Hello all in the Land of Eagles,
This is Lea Barone, Sally Whitelock and Benita Cervantes with the announcements for the week of January 13.
School Choice Window
Opens up January 15 and is open through Feb 18. For additional information, please go to
Glee Club Performance
*Glee Club presents “Seussical Jr.” Thursday, January 16. Showtimes are 9:00 a.m., 2:45 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.
Stock Show Spirit Day
Dress up like cowboy or cowgirl to celebrate Colorado traditions on Friday, January 17.
School Tour
Parents of prospective students are invited to join our next school tour on Friday, January 17 at 9:30 AM.
Reading logs due to school by January 10 ! We hope Edison students enjoyed reading over break. Only $20 per student will purchase over $10,000 in new books! Donations are welcome at any time:
  • Parents and sponsors who would like to donate/pledge to the read-a-thon, please do so any time at:
  • Parents and sponsors who would like to make pledges to be paid based on amount students read, please go to this link to pledge.
  • FAQs can be found here: Thank you for supporting Edison and our young readers!
Crayola Cares
Edison is re-launching its partnership with Crayola Cares and will be recycling any and all markers and shipping them back to Crayola on a monthly basis beginning in January. Please send markers to be recycled with students to school–and students can drop them in the Crayola Cares box by the art room. Edison’s Green Team will ship them back to Crayola to be re-purposed into new markers. The next drop-off date will be January 13.
Volunteers Needed: 
  • Passions Day: We are continuing to plan for this year’s Passion Day which will be during the school day on Friday, March 27th 2020. Passion Day is an annual event where we invite family and community members to come present their passion/talent/hobby/career to our students. Students rotate to different rooms throughout the day (as a class) and listen to various presenters. If you are interested in volunteering to present your passion please go to:
  • Edfest: If you would like to volunteer to support EdFest, our annual spring auction that is an adults only event, please reach out to Valerie Recore, PTA Vice President at
  • Volunteer Background Check: If you still need to complete a volunteer background check, go to:   You many be asked to enter a ‘good deed code’. The code for Edison is e9x8to9 (case sensitive)